The current platform of the Nutri-Q site operated by Robo Wellness will be replaced on March 6, 2024 by a different platform created by a third party. The different platform will be operated by the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA), and no longer by Robo Wellness.
Your action is required.
See what steps you need to take here.
This site is being retired and {{user.clientInfo.proDisplayName}} has moved to a redesigned site called Whole Practice. It's the same site you've been using with a new name and an updated design. You have new to-do items to complete in Whole Practice. To log in to the redesigned site, go to {{roboEnvVars[roboEnv].wp.client.baseDomain}} and enter the same Email and Password that you use on the Nutri-Q site. You'll find your new to-do items on your Dashboard.